Thursday, May 31, 2012

So, I started a website!  To be honest, I'm not covering any new ground immediately, I'm posting a couple of my old ones first, but I swear there will be new content in the by-and-by.  I just sort of want to cement myself to the theme a little bit, and don't actually currently have any good ideas for anything related to buddy cops.  But I made it the theme because of my existing comics, the buddy cop ones are my only ones that really have a "category."  Other than "shittily drawn," which I think would be a bad domain name.

I have a feeling it won't make profit, not even break even on the $7 a month I am spending for the website, but you have to start somewhere, and $7 isn't a ton to lose.  I'm paying rather than doing blogspot because I've heard for search engines, and people re-finding your site, it is way better to have your own domain.

Still, please please please visit!  Regularly!