Monday, May 14, 2012

I feel kind of depressed right now. I told a few people what I was trying to do (alternatives to getting a job) and it just seems overwhelming and maybe even impossible to do it. I think maybe I can make a couple of bucks, but overall not much. Probably not even enough to pay for the ridiculous purchase I just made--$700 bucks for some books on creating online business. To be fair, the bundle also contained some books on traveling very cheaply, but meh.

The #1 "tip" in this book.... that I actually got for free on another site: you can make money selling information products. Basically, things like the book I just bought. But I don't have any expertise! I don't have anything anyone wants to know. If I had that sort of information I wouldn't have bought your stupid book.

 More than one person told me how bad going into the restaurant biz is. So... good to get that advice, before losing more money than I have, but... discouraging.

 Trying to see if I can sell stuff like crafts or whatever but I'm getting some negative feedback on that too.

 I wish I could get my $700 back :/ But since they're electronic books I doubt there is a refund.