Friday, July 30, 2010

So.... I stayed home from work today. AGAIN. I've been doing it entirely too much, I would probably be fired by now if it weren't for FMLA. But my colitis has been acting up extra lately. It's sad, though, I prefer horrible bowel pain to working. Like.... I would definitely take my job as a whole over colitis as a whole (you can't quit or get a day off from colitis, it causes more complications in the long run, and I don't get paid for having it), but yes. A day of agonizing physical torture is better than a day of agonizing mental torture. So.... maybe it's the stress of HAVING this job that is making the colitis worse, I'm definitely about at the breaking point where I consider quitting all the time.

HOWEVER, I don't have to! I'm sooo happy! I recently found out that I got a position I applied for in another department. I've been trying to get over there for about 2 years now. It's not any more money or prestige but it's a waaaay better working environment. I.E.: not a call center. It sounds like I occasionally have to take a call but most of the job is doing stuff on the computer and not actually talking to people.

It's funny.... when I first started working at Borders, I'd get bummed if I had to work all alone in the back, but by the end of it, I would get really upset if they took any time back there away from me, just because I was so burned out on talking to customers. And then I've been working 3 years of a job with much more intense (i.e. more plentiful and more abusive customers) customer service since then.... so getting switched off to not talking to customers so much sounds beautiful to me. I was literally jumping up and down when I got the news.

Oh, anyway, RE: bowel issues: I do think the less customer stress will help, but I REALLY think the new drugs my doctor wants to switch me onto should help a lot. I guess they're 1) checking with my insurance to see if they're covered and 2) waiting for me to have a good time to take a tuberculosis test, of all things. I guess this is yet another drug that kills my immune system (not looking forward to taking that during winter, but whatever) so they want to make sure I don't have latent tuberculosis or something so I don't die of tuberculosis because of their drug.