Thursday, July 30, 2009

So I hosted a par-tee. I was sad because it was a going away party for Julie & Lothar, but I was happy because I got to hang out with them, and Laurie, and Frank. I don't know if it was the best party I've ever thrown, but how can I fail with 007 at my side?

People voluntarily watched him about half the time we were there. Julie called it "Rabbit Vision." I'm proud to say that everyone he meets seems charmed by him, and says he has way more personality than most rabbits they've seen.

I'm at the point where I should really rabbit proof all my wires, he really really wants to be on the carpet and is potty trained. But I have some business involving a stool sample, my dad's birthday, the AIC I've neglected so badly, etc. this weekend, so I really don't know if I'll get it all done.

Anyway, the party made me remember all the good parties I hosted back when I was at borders. The other good side effect is it actually makes me clean. My good friends are so understanding that they let me get away with filth when it's one on one so I now need multiple people around to shame myself. But... again with a loose rabbit I feel like I'm going to get more vigilant anyway.

I guess I will see Julie & Lothar once before they leave. They're doing something or other involving a horrible movie this weekend, and while I'll be busy for most of it, I'm at least going to drop in to give them their going away presents which hadn't arrived by the time of my party.