Monday, January 14, 2008

So I'm thinking of....




My dad seemed to think a futon was the way to go re: the fold-out couch debate.

The only problem with these lovely Ikea products: getting to them.

It looks like shipping is a bitch, though, like over 100 bucks. On top of that, it looks like some options, you can only get in the store. So if you're going to pay that much, you might as well actually get the fun of actually visiting Ikea.

Problem with that:

--I don't wanna drive there. But there's no way you can take that stuff on a train or bus.

--I thought of begging Opt to take me. But even if she did succumb to the allure of Ikea, there's no way you can fit that stuff in her little civic.

--I thought of just sucking it up and going up there myself. I am a little more confident since I drove home from O'Hare after dropping Ryan off last year. Which... I may still do, I don't know. But I'm not even sure you can fit a futon frame, mattress, etc. in my car, though there's more room.

--I thought of begging my sister to let me borrow her van. Which, the problems with that just stack up, and include 1) my sister probably needs her van, it's the only thing they have to transport their kids very well 2) my sister probably wouldn't lend it to me even if she didn't need it and 3) rightfully so, I don't even really want to drive my car up there, much less my sister's BRAND NEW (less than 2 months old) minivan.

I dunno. Anyone non-molestor with a van reading this up for a visit to Ikea? Wait, what am I saying? Everyone who owns a van is a molestor. Yes, I just included my sister. I'm not sure what she molests, but I bet she does. She owns a van! Maybe it is zoo animals, and the Christmas gift was her way of atoning. Speaking of which, Sista just read my blog for the first time in awhile and had this comment:

(1:51:57 PM) Sista: your sister got you bears?
(1:52:01 PM) Sista: a year of bears?
(1:52:22 PM) me: yeah


Terrace said...

I vote for the beddinge one