Monday, January 21, 2008

Fake birthday everybody!

I meant to blog about this before, cause it's good times, but a couple days ago we had the Roni's fake birthday. See, we had fake Christmas a week before Christmas, on purpose, because we knew we wouldn't be able to hang out with each other. We had fake birthday, last week, a week before his real birthday (today) for about the same reason: i.e. his stupid job wouldn't let him have time off on his actual birthday week. But, fake birthday was a success! I was sad when it was over and it wasn't even my fake birthday.

Anyway, the main bit is I got him this card game called Bohnanza, and the goal is to make as much money as you can. The method you do this is by growing beans. It sounds pretty lame, and it might even BE pretty lame if you're someone who doesn't like weird card games, but we had a lot of fun. The Roni really, really loved it, and I don't think he was faking it because we played it over and over at his urging. I quite enjoy it too. The other thing I got him, which I had actually given him some time ago, was one of those white noise machines for sleeping. He had seen the one I have (I got it for like $5, years ago) and took quite a shine to it. He said he is really happy with both.

Also I made him birthday brownie (from a mix, I've learned my lesson on ones from scratch). I wanted to make him cake, but I don't like cake and he wanted me to have some too. We also randomly bought frosting that we didn't use. Then we got a buttload of food from Outback Steakhouse on a giftcard he got. It was the first time I've had Outback, and it was pretty good.

Then we played more bean game!

The end.


Anonymous said...

Board Games are awesome. Particularly the obscure German ones. My sister's husband is into them, so the other day I played Settlers of Catan, Puerto Rico, and some childish sounding game called Hey That's My Fish, which was actually quite a thinker. Puerto Rico had an hour long learning curve, and the objective sounds just about as bad as growing beans: it is to establish an economy in Puerto Rico. Yeah. I don't know where this is going. Solidarity!

Phoex said...

Haha, yeah. I do enjoy weird ones. Strangely enough, I think the bean game and Puerto Rico are by the same manufacturers. There was an ad for several games, including Puerto Rico, inside Bean game. Josh and I made fun of it when we were looking through it, but now that I hear it's actually good I am intrigued.