Saturday, September 01, 2007

our friends are all nuts

So I got mistaken for a hooker for the first time last night.

I was taking a walk last night after work, and this car pulls up to the curb. The guy has to holler a couple times to get my attention, because I'm wearing headphones.

Guy: hey!
Me: *takes off headphones* What?
Guy: come here!

And I'm not walking from the sidewalk to the curb for this guy. At this point I just thought he wanted directions. Unless he wants to get to Borders, my parents house, or my old high school, I know that I and my retarded directional sense are going to be useless to him.

Me: what do you want?
Guy: I want to party!
Me: I'm sorry *puts headphones back on and starts walking again*

So there you go. In Bizzle-Nizzle, I qualify as hooker material.

In other news, I was waken up this morning by my dad on the phone. "Are you awake yet?" If you have to ask that, you have probably woken the person up. I said, "Seeing as how I usually get up at ten," (this is the figure I generally give my parents, though it is somewhat optimistic), "that's a no." So now I'm going to look at the condo again. Well, another condo in the same building. My resistance is wearing thin. I think it's somewhat because of my $86 gas bill and the fact that if I have to go down into my building's disgusting, dangerous basement where you so much as rub up against a wall and get hep C, where something is actually dying right now (according to the neighbor woman) one more time, I am going to go insane.

Though, I do sound tired on the phone no matter when I get up. Last night I got another oh so charming person who thought they were on hold and told their friend, "she sure does sound tired!" Though I got such gems as "nasal" and "monotone" from the customers at Borders, the customers at my new job seem to be pretty consistently saying I sound tired. Is it because I hate my job, and really am tired and cranky whenever they call? I'm not sure... back in college whenever I answered the phone for my roommate, their friends would appologize for waking me up when they hadn't. And then, because they weren't jerks like customers, they would then appologize for accidently implying that I have a tired voice. But then again, I hated college almost as much as I hate my job now, so...

Someone win the lottery and let me mooch off you. I'll pay you in sex. I don't even really care if you're a woman. Either way, you are probably better looking than the guy who propositioned me last night.