Friday, July 20, 2007

and the flag marked with blood

So, there's this e-mail from Borders Rewards titled "The Biggest Book Ever," that I deleted unread, because I'm sure it refers to the last Harry Potter. But in my head I just thought, "Wouldn't it be hilarious if you opened it and it was like, War and Peace, or something else literally the biggest?" Anyway, it amused me. Which is in no way connected with how I hate Harry Potter. Cause I don't really like War and Peace either. Actually even though I hate Harry Potter, I would probably be more willing or likely to read that book than War and Peace, because it would take less time and was at least originally written in English, contemporary English, even.

I am lazy.

Oh, and PS--the weaning myself off of sleeping pills is actually going surprisingly well. I think it was harder last time because I didn't have a set schedule, whereas nowadays I'm more or less able and willing to go to sleep/wake up at the same time every day.


the becca said...

don't worry. I have ascertained, and can assure you, that HP7 is in NO way the biggest literary acheivement ever. In terms of children's books, it possibly eclipses any MK&A tv-series novelization, and can't even lick the poo off of "The Mouse & His Child's" tiny clockwork feet.

As for adult (or as some people call it, "real" literature) I think it might have the emotional depth of a zane novel without the sex.

and you know what? I even like what I've read (except for the ending)... it's just fun and fluffy. Not substantial.

Phoex said...

Wouldn't a Zane novel without the sex be blank pages, basically? :P