Sunday, February 18, 2007


I'm tiiiiiiiiiired. Hopefully I can actually sleep for once and resolve this.

I got a phone call at 4 in the morning, something tells me it was a wrong number (I had never gotten a call from that # before, the people didn't leave a message), but the ringing still woke me up and it took an hour to get back to sleep. Then I had to get up at 8 to navigate the snowy streets to work so assholes who can't go a very snowy day without their goddamn Oprah book can come in. Then I worked.

Then I hung out with YM, which was fun. But more tiring... she was also kind of babysitting for her phews, and I have to say even though I was a jerk and wouldn't get up even to keep them from gnawing on her DVD's, it was somehow very tiring.

Then, GODDAMN YOU, JOHN MAYER, JOHN MAYER CONCERTGOERS, and THE ASSHOLES WHO PLANNED THE COLLESEUM, I had to dodge like a million random people walking in the middle of the street so they wouldn't have to walk in the snow on the way home. This made the drive, especially because of lingering snow, about 50X more annoying, difficult, and even dangerous than it would've been otherwise. Those fuckers pissed me off. Your body won't be a wonderland when I run into you for walking in the middle of the street.

Time for sleep.