Thursday, January 18, 2007


So yes, I am an uber nerd. I'm going to start playing D & D. Well, not D & D. Tri-stat. Which is another RPG. So equally as nerdy but slightly more obscure, so perhaps more nerdy? But the obscureness means it's less scoffed at. Who knows, dude, all I care is that I get to be a Minja (midget ninja) as per my declaration, "I would totally do D & D if I could be a Minja."

Somehow I ended up ripping off a whole stable of comic book characters, though. I intentionally ripped off Nightcrawler because I wanted to bamf! I accidently ripped off Magneto because I wanted the minja to be able to pick up Ninja throwing stars after throwing them so the minja is never out of ammo. Somehow I ripped off Bullseye because I wanted to be good at throwing knives. But I don't count that as much because I barely even know who Bullseye is, much less like him enough to want to rip off his powers. And I think there was one more in there but I can't remember. I was afraid this might be powerplaying, but I was told it wasn't.

Also my character has no discernable gender, is bisexual, hates samurai, hates phonies, hates children, likes dancing, has a one armed ninja nemesis, and is kind of a douche. It's kind of like looking in a mirror.