Wednesday, January 03, 2007

like a 25 cent game

I've been having a lot of strange dreams lately.

A few nights ago, I dreamt that Kevin from work was dead. He'd gotten sent over to Iraq or something... I dunno. It was like the saddest dream ever, though. Other people from work and I cried and cried in the dream and were all, "How could they send Kevin to war? He's the kindest person ever! He wouldn't hurt a fly! Now he's dead! Damn you, George W. Bush!"

Then the next night, I kid you not, I dreamt that the same man was a serial killer. Really, really, creepy horrible dream. I woke up in the middle of the night and could not sleep again until I got up and made sure there were no serial killers in my kitchen or bathroom.

Then last night I just randomly dreamt that there was this child molester on the loose (thankfully, Kevin did not make a third appearance in this dream, though actually Hootie was in it, she was somehow in the town I was and I was asking her for help) and I had this little kid I had to keep away from the molester. And at first this was like, a one on one thing where we were hidden in a shed or something and the molester was trying to find us and when he did he beat me up, but then we somehow ended up on the run, crossing state lines and all sorts of crazy crap.

Then today after I got up, I felt like crap so I called in sick. I took some nyquil and went back to bed, and I spent hours in this half asleep doze thing where I kept combining work people and situations from Firefly (I've been watching it on DVD a lot the last few days).