Thursday, December 21, 2006

good times. great nuts.

Ryan: How's it going?
Me: pretty good. Day off, watched all the DVD's people lent me so now I can return them and not look like a douche
Ryan: Nice
Me: and eventually get to Firefly and Little Miss Sunshine and You & Me and Everyone We Know (which I decided the other night I have to watch again)
Ryan: I need to watch those again too
Ryan: Brooke mentioned Little Miss Sunshine last time I talked to her, she hasn't seen it yet
Me: haha. I half wonder if Little Miss Sunshine is as good as I originally thought, because I was just happy to be on vacation and hanging out with you and there was a Sufjan song on the soundtrack :P
Ryan: Haha
Me: stuff like that can really affect how much I like something sometimes
Ryan: I think it was good
Ryan: True
Me: but yeah
Me: like I thought it was pretty good until the end
Me: and the end just made it for me
Me: I was like, "okay movie, you are awesome."
Ryan: haha yeah the ending rocked