Wednesday, December 20, 2006

when his sight turns red again

You know, despite how much I complain about how I hate people in general, there are specific people I love. And you know what? I'm lucky enough that I get to work with most of them. Seriously, today Nebrasky, Dance Whore, Thug, Opt, Bling, Stupid, Babystealer, Elaine, Renegade, Herd*, all made my day that little bit much more enjoyable, and all those little bits each added up to a lot.

Nebrasky--I don't know why this makes me so happy inside, but he totally took money from his own pocket to help cover this one customer's order that they didn't have money enough for. This is a customer we all kind of joke about and occaisionally complain about, but we all kind of feel is family. And Nebrasky has said before that even though he secretly makes fun of this guy more than everyone he feels like they're "buddies," and it was just totally sweet of him, especially since I know he was debating money earlier about how much he could afford to get his girlfriend for Christmas this year.

Dance Whore--totally went up to reg and covered Shiv's break because they scheduled it badly. And like.... a manager didn't ask him or anything, I pretty much just called for assistance, he showed up, and I told him what happened. And he just volunteered to stay up there. He was so nice about it I just wanted to hug him.

Thug-today we discussed dancing. And dancing in tank tops. And dancing to Sufjan Stevens.

Opt-we discussed statements not designed to make us feel better. She promised me a full copy of Jonathan Coulton's version of Baby Got Back.

Bling-at one point in the day I was like, "It's Bling!" I dunno why, but I will tend to shout out, "It's ____" whoever it is at people when I see them. But anyway she was like, "It IS" really excitedly. And I thought it was so hilarious it became a running joke with us all day, one or the other of us would have to pretend to be really excited about hearing our names. She is probably my favorite of the new people, and makes me laugh my ass off somehow nearly every day.

Stupid-I love how he will just walk up and stare at me awkwardly for a few seconds and then just say something totally random. I told him that and he was like, "if I'm your favorite you should get me hired on!" And I told him in all seriousness that he IS my favorite temp, because Annoying is the only other temp I've really had any interaction with and he's, well, annoying. What I didn't tell Stupid was that me enjoying working with him could only work against him with boss-boss, so I'll probably keep my mouth shut as to whether or not I think he is a good employee.

Babystealer-she gave me this little jingle bell with red ribbon awhile ago, and she has some she wears too, among other wierd christmas adornments. I don't wear mine every day, because it would get old, but I try to every time I think Babystealer and I will see each other very much. Anyway we always have like 80 hilarious mini jingle bell dance parties together when I do, and I love it. Everyone else thinks we're weirdos.

Herd- Lately I've tended to do this thing where I pretend to angrily throw down my clipboard. And they're pretty sturdy so I do it fairly hard. And actually it frightens people who don't know what I'm doing and think I'm actually angry. But anyway I did it for Herd today, and he told me he was going to laugh at me when I finally broke one of them. And I was like, "I'm doing us a service, we have a lot of clipboards, I'm culling the herd of all the weak ones." And he's like, "My mom says that a lot," and I'm like, "What, while she's hunkered down on the top of a clock tower with her sniper rifle?" and he's like, "No when she sees a news story about someone dying in a stupid way," and I'm like, "oh," and he's like, "My mom's a funny woman."

Good times.

Great nuts.

* never mentioned before, but I do enjoy him.