Tuesday, November 07, 2006

beep boop

So I just scored a sweet-ass 1 gig flash drive for free today!

In fact I think I technically got paid 10 dollars to take it.

Anyway I actually bought this thing for 60 dollars this spring, hoping to use it to back up the things I didn't want to lose from my ailing laptop. But of course my stupid laptop would not recognize it because awhile before that every single driver on the thing went Pfft! And I couldn't figure out how to make it work. And of course my laptop broke right before I moved and would have gotten a new computer and cable interweb to backup everything. And the files weren't saved.

So my mom bought the flash drive off me, as my parents have an elderly computer that it might be nice to save a few files off of.

But...... today she finally tried it and the computer (still running windows 98) proved too old. So she gave it back to me today and didn't make me give her the money back.

Oh and I got a 10 dollar rebate at the time.

The only thing that sucks is that even though my new computer reads the flash drive, I don't really have any use for a flash drive anymore. I really don't transfer files ever. I guess it's good just in case, though.

In other news, I feel a little bad for Ok Go. The Neev burned a copy of Oh No for Dance Whore, who in turn is letting Nebrasky and I steal it, and then I'm going to burn it for Opt. But Dance Whore justifies this as "well I probably wouldn't have bought it anyway, and if I really do like it I probably will buy it." I agree.

Progress at downloading the internet and/or pirating music: I have 44 gigs of data on my computer. That is 4 times the size of my previous hard drive. But it's a tiny, tiny, wedge on the pie chart that is my sweet, sweet, TB hardrive. Hot damn I love this computer.

Oh, but back to my parents computer: they're buying a new one because the old one is starting to make weird sounds. I told them I thought it was their fan and blew their mind because they hadn't even thought of it. But really it is like... a loud fan sound. Anyway my mom vaccumed it out in there, and it's still loud, and still does get a bit warmer than is probably good. The parents are still going to get another computer, and I'm really tempted to ask them for the old one, so I can play really old games for windows 98 on it. But... I don't know it seems kind of big for where I live. And it would be kind of strange to have two computers and request to keep this ghetto old computer when I have this sweet new one. And kind of strange to have three computers around, if I ever can get my laptop fixed. I'll have to think about it.

I really do have to diet. I have gained 10 lbs in like a month. That does not bode well.