Thursday, November 09, 2006

I can't stand here listening to you and your racist friend

So apparently I really AM racist, Sista got me to confess:

Sista: is it stil Renegade, the weird guy, and ponytail geek?
Me: Renegade, Weird Guy, PG, other weird guy
Sista: weirdos left and right
Me: Yeah. Renegade's the only one on the crew I like at all.
Me: I actually love Renegade
Me: The other day he just randomly started making out with this cardboard cutout of Josh Groban in front of me and Babystealer
Sista: i think you should marry Renegade
Me: HAHA best marriage ever. We would horribly verbally abuse each other every day.
Me: "Hey Phoexx0r you know how you SUCK?"
Me: "Hey Renegade you know how your kidneys don't work?"
Sista: i think its a loving marriage
Sista: you know how to communicate with one another
Me: I guess. I'm not really into him that way though.
Sista: because he is black?
Sista: are you a biggot?
Me: yes, that's the reason Sista. I'm a big racist.
Me: I hate the blacks.
Me: I want the master race to stay pure.
Me: no mulattos!
Sista: you don't like the colored people?
Me: I like them to clean my house for me and call me massah
Sista: i am going to convince people your a biggot
Sista: just for laughs
Me: I don't care
Me: I'll post this on my blog if you want
Me: come clean about my secret racist ways
Sista: hahaha