Monday, October 16, 2006

thank you for the card with the cartoon nurse

Ryan: speaking of burn, I enjoy the burned hooker
Ryan: you are good at drawing them
Me: haha thanks
Me: I think it's because I practice on real hookers
Ryan: I kind of figured as much
Ryan: you have a lot of models to use
Me: that one was based on Starla, she's one of my favorites
Me: There's a little bit of Brandi and Crystal thrown in too
Ryan: haha
Ryan: nice
Ryan: Did you take them to the fair?
Me: yeah. Burning hookers on a tilt a whirl is maaagical
Ryan: haha
Ryan: it's like one of those spinning fireworks things
Ryan: only.. it screams

Fromage: My log in button was grey and was very sad.
Me: did you cry a single tear for it?
Fromage: No, but I did track the path it would have made down my face with my finger, frown, and say out loud, "single tear"
Me: I do that all the time
Me: only sarcastically
Me: and not when I'm alone