Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I should be allowed to shoot my mouth off

It's kind of funny, lately I've been thinking of burning a CD of music for my 'phew. More seriously than before, anyway. But nearly all the songs I think of for him are all "be an independent thinker!" "be yourself!" Which.... if he really listened to the lyrics and took them to heart (which, I never did listen to lyrics when I was little either so maybe this whole thing is moot), he is almost guaranteed to be miserable for his entire K-12 experience. That is kind of a mean thing to do to a toddler.

This is all based on the premise that his stupid parents would play the CD for him (negligible) and that he would like it once they did (I have no idea what the odds are on this one, my idea of children's music is probably not everyone else's. BUT he seems to like & dance to nearly everything, including his aunt poorly singing sea shanties).