Friday, September 22, 2006

won't you let me won't you let me explode


Q: What is even awesomer than catching a cold?
A: Doing it while you're having your period AND a colitis flare up.

Yeah... and this cold came on quick, I didn't even realize I was sick at first, just thought I had a sore throat... but by the end of the day I was miserable. Opt came to my rescue with some Dayquil though, so that was nice.

The colitis bit was extra annoying because we have to announce it when we go to the toilet since we got the walkie talkies. Then not only Renegade, but later Lister started teasing me about it. And I can take teasing about my colitis, but usually only from my friends and usually only if it's actually funny, theirs was stupid.

On break today I looked around for a wallet with a chain. I've been told it'd look stupid and/or it's mostly rednecks and punks that do it. And I feel kind of stupid, because it's like being a kid with those mittens that clip to the coat, because you're a bit too "special" to keep track of them elsewise. But on the other hand, I would not lose my wallet anymore. Which would be cool. And Opt said I could pull it off ironically.

So the only three choices for a wallet with a chain in this town, apparently? Cheesy-ass skull & crossbones, flames, or Dale Earnhardt. I'm going to try other places I guess, but that's all that Wal-Mart had to offer, and it definately had the best selection of the stores I went to. Okay, that's a little too ironic. I mean... part of me was like, "Okay, it'd be freaking hilarious to have a Dale Earnhardt wallet." But... since it's not like something ridiculous I chose on my own (such as the oversized novelty penny keychain I carry around) I was really depressed to even consider getting one of the stupid wallets. I also know part of me would die inside each time I had to use it somewhere nice, and it would also remind me that I am a retard who needs a chain on my wallet and so had to buy a stupid ugly wallet.


Terrace said...

Archie has a wallet with a chain :-p and as you know, he's like the least redneck guy ever.. his is pretty non descript though, made by Arizona Jean company if that helps you find one. I think it's a great idea for you, I mean, more practically than loosing the thing all the time.

Phoex said...

hm, thanks for the advice