Friday, September 29, 2006

believe me when I say I have got something for his punk ass

Ryan: What's with all the sublime quotes on the blog lately?
Me: haha, I've just been listening to it more
Me: why?
Ryan: hehe just curious
Me: not a huge fan o' the sublime
Me: well you apparently know more of their quotes than most people who don't like them
Me: like a lot of people would get Daddy's got a new 45
Me: but not so much the date rape one
Ryan: Hmm we had to bring in a song for some stupid crime and pop culture class I took
Me: and someone brought that in
Ryan: I brought in Anthrax's "Random Act of Senseless Violence"
Ryan: and bullshitted a paper about how it reflected on society
Ryan: like.. the day before it was due
Me: haha
Me: good job