Friday, May 29, 2009

So I made myself this kind of ghetto pet gate out of couch cushions and whatever's laying around. It's not tall enough (or sturdy enough) to last forever, but let me tell you--it's an improvement from me laying there and manually keeping him off the carpet.

One--I can step away from the kitchen for a second if I need to do something. I was getting kind of tired of having to watch him constantly when I had him out and not being able to go to the bathroom or anything.

Two--I think he finds it maddening that he can't get to the carpet, and when I was the barrier he bit me. Now he's biting couch cushions, my suitcase, and my old computer. I don't want him to like chew on any of those things but biting's fine because it means it's not my tender flesh.

Three--now that I'm not stuck on the edge being border patrol I can actually get in there and hang out with him. I still don't think he loves me or anything but I actually sort of got him to play with me tonight, I ran around and he chased me. He seemed to lose interest somewhat easily, but it was fun for a little while.