Friday, November 14, 2008

phoemeister (3:58:17 PM): you know, today is awesome
phoemeister (3:58:19 PM): I took off work
phoemeister (3:58:23 PM): I'm listening to good music
phoemeister (3:58:25 PM): I get to talk to tina
phoemeister (3:58:29 PM): I have good tea
phoemeister (3:58:36 PM): my digestive system is feeling good
Tina (3:58:42 PM): whoohoo!
phoemeister (3:58:48 PM): and I get to make/eat chocolate chip cookies!
phoemeister (3:59:02 PM): oh and I have this lilac candle that smells so good burning
phoemeister (3:59:29 PM): I don't know if it's the happy pills or the excercise, but this is the best day I've had in a long time
Tina (4:00:12 PM): sweet

phoemeister (5:00:17 PM): I mean poo in general smells bad
phoemeister (5:00:22 PM): but this was above and beyond
Suibrom (5:01:13 PM): setting afire a skunk made of rotten eggs?
phoemeister (5:02:13 PM): like bigfoot's dick, more
Suibrom (5:02:16 PM): haha
Suibrom (5:02:20 PM): pure gasoline?
phoemeister (5:02:21 PM): or a diaper full of indian food
phoemeister (5:02:31 PM): yep, now you know where they get sex panther
Suibrom (5:03:16 PM): your butt?
phoemeister (5:04:09 PM): yep
Suibrom (5:04:27 PM): I'm kind of a freak, but I have to be honest.. I wouldn't rub that on me
Suibrom (5:04:31 PM): even if it promised to get me chicks
phoemeister (5:04:41 PM): oh come on
Suibrom (5:05:06 PM): okay maybe a little bit
phoemeister (5:05:15 PM): liquid distilled sexy from the sexiest butt on earth?
Suibrom (5:05:40 PM): Hey, old men said it was nice.. it has to be good