Sunday, October 19, 2008


The water in my place is fixed, I guess some gunk got clogged in that little screen over the end of the faucet. After seeing it, I questioned my usual habit of drinking tap water instead of bottled water most of the time. Dunno.

I can't seem to rouse myself into doing anything lately other than going to work, studying insurance education (bleh) and the occaisional outing with Dad or Josh. I feel like time is slipping through the hourglass and I'm totally wasting it. I can't remember what I did today, or the day before, or the day before that. Ten years from now I'm going to look back on my life and wonder what I did with that time and the answer's going to be "lying on the couch." I mean... already I've wasted so much of my life, so I guess I'm just adding to it. But I don't know what I SHOULD be doing, career-wise, and in my free time I just don't have the energy for twisting people's arms into hanging out with me or even figuring out something interesting to do on my own.

I dunno why I decided to post this, I don't want people to pity me or anything. I just can't figure out what it is.