Saturday, September 13, 2008


Stuff got a little better, Josh & I got over the stuff in my last post. And he visited. And I had a day off work, and took an extra day off work, and given that I hate work, that was good. And he and I had a lot of fun going through Target looking at their halloween crap. He had mad props for the Buckeye Cake I made.

Stuff with Rebecca is still the same, I guess. She's on AIM all the time, but I decided not to be all desperate and message her first, seeing as how every time I've messaged her first lately has ended up as an arguement. Maybe if I wait till she actually wants to talk to me (if that ever happens) things will go better? I dunno, it sucks so bad. I already missed her friendship when I didn't have the constant reminder that she IS online and doesn't particularly want to talk to me.

Today was kind of crap, I'm too lazy to type it out again so here's an excerpt from an email:

The actual work
wasn't any worse than usual, but there was this promotion I was
really, really, really hoping I would get, I interviewed for it a
little while ago, and my supervisor said I made the short list. And
it was one of the few jobs I've applied for because it sounded like
something I'd actually like to do, as opposed to "ANYTHING TO GET OUT
OF WHERE I AM NOW." So right at the beginning of work today I had an
email saying they picked someone else.

One good thing though is that I got chosen to take over "the pivoting
report" which is just basically one person gets this raw data on how
much everyone's pivoted each week and takes it and organizes it into
something presentable and sends it to everyone. I wasn't that happy
about it, because I would've rather gotten the goddamn promotion, but
it is a pretty sweet deal--at least one hour a week off the phones +
looking good on my records + the fact that only one person does it,
somehow they thought of me out of everyone at the CRC, I take that as
a compliment. I'm not even that great of a pivoter, I do just enough
to look like I'm trying. I think I do steadier numbers than a lot of
people though, so maybe that's it.

The other bummer about today: Spore is really not very good. Like
the creating the creatures or whatever is kind of fun (though
obviously, I was already doing that for free). In fact, creating the
creatures gets less fun when you start playing the game because you
have points you have to earn to afford body parts and all that. But
the actual game is like, so fucking simplistic/easy that it's boring.
Waste o' money. I wish the packaging had made it more obvious that
it's a kid's game.