Sunday, September 21, 2008


So I guess I've alienated Rebecca to the point where she will never speak to me again, which puts me up to a grand total of 3 people I've done this to in my life thus far. What is wrong with me? How do I keep doing this? I guess the only comfort is that we weren't really talking anyway. But I digress: the reason I'm pretty sure she won't talk to me at all is I have this promo Monty Python fluxx card I got for free that I don't really want. I emailed her to see if she wanted me to mail it to her (she loves both MP & Fluxx) and she never emailed back.

Things with the water seem pretty much resolved. I sucked up a lot of the water with some carpet shampoo-er thing my dad has. Then I used fans on it. I've been keeping my fans far longer than I probably need to, but I'm afraid the dry surface hides wet carpet pad. I really don't want mold in there and have to replace carpeting that is basically brand new.

Josh visited again, and it was good. We frisbee golfed, and it was beautiful outside. We watched some movies, and he bought Season 3 of Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which was hilarious. I especially liked the rock band episode with the two bizarre songs, Nightman/Dayman. I made an apple pie, which turned out pretty well. I also made black-bottom pie, which unfortunately has rum in it. Which unfortunately, neither Josh nor I like. I don't know why I still put it in, I thought it wouldn't be that strong. But seriously, after putting it into my fridge for a couple of hours, the fridge reeked of booze. Josh still liked it enough to eat most of it, though, so I don't have to throw it away or pawn it off on anyone. It's a good enough pie otherwise that I might make it again but with vanilla or citrus flavoring in place of the rum. Also, through the making of this pie, I realized I could make meringue, so I might be making a lemon meringue pie in the near future. At one point Josh started maniacally laughing because he was "so content." The laughing was weird, but the sentiment made me feel good.

Spore has gotten better, space stage is more fun. I've sadly been playing it nonstop. My imaginary horses are getting neglected. It sucks that Howrse is such a rat-race-y game, you stop for a couple of days and everyone horses get better relative to yours.

I'm kind of irritated, the lady who got the job I wanted was this chick who I'd talked about it with previously and had not even really wanted the job that badly. Poops. I have another job interview in October, I guess. Some claims position I don't want that badly (but that I want more than what I have now, I guess).

I guess that's all the updates I have right now.