Sunday, July 27, 2008

Today I hung out with my parents. I bought my dad lunch, he bought me dinner, and we saw the x files. It's an alright movie, I was glad that it was mostly stand-alone and I didn't have to dredge up my memories of what convoluted wheelings and deelings the cigarette smoking man had or didn't have like 8 years ago. It was basically like a long episode of the x-files, it wasn't bad, but it didn't sell me on "why we decided to make a movie a bajillion years after the show went off the air."

Speaking of which, I did mean to go into more (spoilery) details about Batman awhile ago. I don't know what it is about Batman, but part of me itches to analyze it. I mean, a lot of movies are way too high level for me to want to bother analyzing, and a lot of movies are too shallow to have anything to analyze, but I guess Batman is right in the center.

Anyway, the number one thing that irritated me about the movie was Batman mackin' on a woman who he already had his chance with, who is involved in a relationship already. Batman, as you can see by the way they ended the movie, has an enormous streak of self-sacrifice, and really strong morals. Plus, he really respected Harvey Dent. We see this almost exact situation in Casablanca. The resistance needs Victor Laszlo. Victor needs Ilsa. Rick loves Ilsa but gives her up for the good of the cause. That's what Batman should do, dammit! He's Batman!

I also find that breaking that machine that tracks everything not really believable. I mean, I see Morgan Freeman's objections to it, because I am a fan of civil liberties and my privacy and all that, but seriously, for Batman to give up that tracking ability? In a city that is well-known for breeding psychotic freaks more than willing to blow half of it up? Batman is going to be kicking himself the next time the Joker breaks out of Arkham.

Speaking of random villians, can anyone explain Scarecrow's brief role in this one? I have a feeling there was some part of the movie that explained it, but they needed to cut it out because the movie's already so long. But I can't tell whether he was on the side of the batman wannabes, or if they captured him. And if he is good and on their side, why? But if the wannabes captured him, how did it become that easy. I know he had Liam Neeson on his side last time, but still, a good portion of the last movie was dedicated to how difficult it was to catch Scarecrow. And either way, I don't see Batman not trying to detain him afterwards to take him to jail or something himself.

But I still loved Michael Caine and Gary Oldman. I think they give a lot of warmth and humanity to the story and to Batman. I mean, the love story is supposed to do that, but whatever. I found Gary Oldman talking to his child when he thinks they might die much more heart-wrenching than the death of the female lead. And I believed the fatherly love between Michael Caine & Batman a lot stronger and relatable than the romantic love between Bale & Gylenhaal.

Back to my day: I gave my mom this Neil Diamond CD. Which, she is crazy about his music. I kind of didn't know whether she'd care or not, she never really gets up from this one spot, and it is nowhere near the stereo. My dad, however, had the idea that we could play it on the computer, which is near there, so she did listen to it today.

My dad said I seemed perkier than I had been in awhile. I was surprised, because I hadn't thought anything good had happened since the last time I saw him, in fact something bad happened (one of the job postings I interviewed for finally got back to me and they don't want me) but I was thinking about it, and the last week has been pretty good.

--I'm finally getting some sleep. Before that I was going off sleeping pills again (I was taking so many it made me shake) and it was a lengthy and unpleasant process. I am totally unstable when I don't get enough sleep. I'm not joking--I literally begin to resemble a schizophrenic if I lack enough sleep. And when it's not bad enough to make me schizophrenic, I'm at least depressed and cranky.

--Josh and I are solidifying our friendship, and I'm worrying less about him moving to Michigan (it seems like he's patching things up with his roommate). This is an enormous relief, because no matter how much I try to stand on my own two feet, I lean on him a lot, and if things aren't good with us, it makes everything feel worse.

--He also cleaned my house the last time he was here, which has improved my mood. I mean, there's still a lot of cleaning I should do, but he did so much and I don't feel like I'm living like an animal anymore. It also gives me the motivation to work on the other cleaning.

--I have been eating more colitis-friendly since I went to the grocery store last, and it has been helpful. I've made a rule: no cheese two meals in a row (surprisingly hard to follow that rule, but I'm working on it). I've also picked up some of that yogurt that is supposed to make you regular. The yogurt isn't exactly designed to solve my problem, but I figure it can't hurt. I got some Silk yogurt, too, which surprisingly: tastes exactly like regular yogurt. I made meatloaf, and bought some fruit. I'm showering more regularly. I feel like I'm taking care of myself more and it is helping.

So hopefully things stay better.