Thursday, April 17, 2008


So I still don't feel awesome, but I am getting a lot better. I think the second email Josh sent where he said he hadn't secretly hated me the whole time did a lot to make me feel better, and when we finally talked and put an end to this whole thing. I've gone from crying all the time to being mostly normal most of the time, with a few unfortunate moodswings. They're getting less intense and less long, though. I've gotten to the point where I can usually distract myself with a mind-numbing game or talking to a friend. Ryan and Tina have been especially helpful in this respect, for which I thank them.

The stuff with my mom is still sort of there, but now that I'm not so upset about everything, I'm getting better at pushing it all to the back burner for now.

And I do miss Josh, so much. And I think we are going to still be friends. It just isn't the same though, and I miss him. But it's not constantly dominating my every waking moment anymore, which is good.