Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Oh, what have I done this week that I can entertain the masses with? That is, of course, other than piss and moan.

I don't know, I've been in a cranky mood lately, I can't put my finger on it. Nothing's worse than usual or anything. In fact, it is actually better, I've gotten some new music, which generally perks me up.

Which, btw:

--new Nada Surf, Lucky. Very good!
--Chris Walla, Field Manual. I'm not a huge Death Cab For Cutie Fan (the dude is from that band), I enjoy them, but not enough to be like, "Oh solo work from the guitarist!)," but I happened to hear the one song from it and really liked it, and I was on a music buying binge at Borders. So far, pretty good album.
--Sufjan Stevens, A Sun Came. Dude's debut album, I never had gotten it before, I sort of confused it with Enjoy Your Rabbit, a very experimental instrumental album of his that I do not want. Also it seems the older his stuff is the less good it is. But I had listened to some clips and it seemed listenable. Plus it's got like 20+ tracks, so even if half of it sucks I'm still good.
--You know what I said earlier about Death Cab for Cutie? Yeah, I got their latest album (a year or two old now). I've been on the fence about it for awhile, and got this random video collection that goes with that album a long time ago, becuase I thought it had the videos AND the album, but it was just videos, and not very good ones at that. I thought I could steal the album from someone by and by, because I know several DCFC listeners, but it never seemed to work out so I sucked it up and bought it.

So actually I got the Nada Surf at this little music shop in downtown Normal. The Roni and I actually went downtown to look at games at this one store that turned out not to have games. So that we didn't feel like the outing was a total waste, we stopped in the music store and it actually was pretty cool and we both found stuff we liked. Anyway I saw the new Nada Surf and had to have it right then and there. I saw the Sufjan, and decided to wait on it. Then later Borders put out a coupon, 1-3 CD's, 40% anything in the store. YAY BORING STORY.

Anyway, Borders was alright. I went there for just the Sufjan and bought the other two because I have no self restraint. I also picked up a book for my mom. So all in all: the 40% off CD's much more costly than it would've been to just pick up the Sufjan earlier. It also seems like I never go into Borders when many good people are working, Geoff was the only one worth talking to there. Pam was there too, but didn't really recognize me. I actually had ducked in the kids section in order to hide from Tami, so it really startled the crap out of me to have Pam walk up right then and ask if she could help me find anything. Geoff was the bees knees, though, as always. We got into a discussion about the lame Grammy's stuff Borders pushes every year (this year: Grammy themed notecards, photo albums, and memory book), and we discussed my creepily encyclopedic knowledge of Sufjan Stevens.

Anyway, despite the above, as I said, I'm kind of cranky, and putting off stuff (U of I essays, DMV, cleaning) even more than I usually would. I'm wondering if it's the weather? Don't get me wrong, I can be like this in nice weather too, but I usually have more of a reason. And obviously, the general "I hate my job," thing. Maybe I'm just an emo freak. Whatever.