Saturday, February 09, 2008


I suuuuuck. I really probably shouldn't be attempting to go back to school, I'm such a fucking procrastinator. I've had time, more than enough time, to do the essays required, and I still haven't. In addition, I need to get to the DMV before my birthday, clean my place (badly), go to the eye dr, talk to my poo dr, go to a dermatologist, maybe see a regular dr about my ADD (I think it's gotten worse or something the last few years, I'm having difficulties paying attention at work, reading books, sitting through movies, listening to music...). Granted, most of those have mitigating circumstances (my job IS boring, a film studies minor a few years back burned out my attention for serious movies, my prev. job gave me music & book issues), but I'm beginning to wonder if it's something more.

What have I done today? Okay, I did file my taxes, so that's something productive. And I did do a liiitle cleaning. But mostly I've been hanging around playing with my ghetto photoshop and, yesterday, looking at card games online. Why can't I behave like an adult?