Friday, December 14, 2007


I have a headache, I'm tired, my butt hurts, I've been pooping a lot, and I randomly have gotten dizzy spells. F THIS DAY.

Seriously though, I guess poop and headache are pretty much status quo. The butt I guess is because I was sitting on the floor a lot the last couple days and sit in crappy office chairs a good % of the time no matter what. The tired is getting up early. But the dizziness sucks, and is inexplicable. I know I'm a hypochondriac and by tomorrow I will have probably forgotten it, but it is disturbing and unpleasant for now.

In other news, the last couple days were good because I spent yesterday and a chunk of the day before with my Roni. He is awesome in general but some specific awesomeness is he cooked for me and let me open my stocking early. This included MONKEY CHRISTMAS SOCKS AND a CHRISTMAS MONKEY now dubbed Sexy O'Sullivan (reference to Home Movies). And candy! And a ton of chapstick! AND A WHOREMONICA. And weird coupons!

He rules. None of you other people can have him. HALF PAST YOU'RE TOO LATE.

Goodbye, I have to poop now.


Anonymous said...

You will have to explain what a whoremonica is. Maybe you could do a comic. :)

Phoex said...

Nothing I can make could out do the inspiration: