Saturday, October 27, 2007

What I've Been Up To

--buying music I probably can't afford or have time to listen to. Coheed & Cambria and Say Anything's new albums. I'm rededicating myself to seriously listen to them plus the Cribs, Asthmatic Kitty Sampler, and Lifehouse, the two albums I've recently gotten but never listened to that much.

I use the term recently loosely... I've had Asthmatic Kitty (which my excuse is I got it for free) since I got my Sufjan tee shirt months ago.

--Hanging out with The Roni. This entails dry humping his ass in front of his friends, scissoring him in front of children, listening to his passionate discourse on eating afterbirth, and forcing him to act out dialogue from the Venture Bros.

--Not pooping. Then pooping a lot.

--Moving prep (half-heartedly). I'm excited about moving, don't get me wrong, but so very lazy.

--Hating work. I had a guy today who seriously didn't know his address.