Sunday, September 30, 2007

let's pretend we don't exist

To refresh you (I just wanted to make sure this one was read first).

The sequel


(11:34:06 PM) Me: what's makes that comic most hilarious is I forgot to give Dave Grohl arms
(11:34:18 PM) Stevenson: hahaha
(11:34:41 PM) Stevenson: I didn't even notice that.
(11:34:50 PM) Me: yeah I went back and added them
(11:35:12 PM) Stevenson: Wait, so in the version I have, does he have arms?
(11:35:18 PM) Me: no
(11:35:22 PM) Stevenson: Because they kind of look like they're just hanging at his sides.
(11:35:40 PM) Me: (link) is the revised version
(11:36:17 PM) Stevenson: I like the first one better.
(11:36:22 PM) Stevenson: Can you have him holding his womb?
(11:36:48 PM) Me: hahaha
(11:36:53 PM) Me: now who's fucked up?
(11:37:24 PM) Stevenson: Your mom?
(11:38:31 PM) Me: don't you mean knocked up?

(11:36:38 PM) Me: Stevenson says he likes the armless version better than the new vers
(11:37:00 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: I do too, I'm confused what he's doing with his arms now
(11:37:19 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the Win to my Wang: before I could pretend he was holding them at his side
(11:37:30 PM) Me: that is what Stevenson said too
(11:37:55 PM) Me: man Debbie Harry Zombie is doing some crazy shit with her arms
(11:38:13 PM) Me: and her and garbage chick's pelvises arent' even touchign
(11:38:26 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: I think it's funny that you actually used her real name
(11:38:50 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: and then called shirley manson "that chick from garbage"
(11:39:09 PM) Me: I actually couldn't remember Shirley Manson's name
(11:39:10 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: because I think people are more likely to recognize that name than blondie's real name
(11:39:24 PM) Me: way more people know blondie than garbage
(11:39:41 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch:: they know blondie, but do they know her name?
(11:39:48 PM) Me: I know her name
(11:39:53 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: yeah but you're crazy
(11:45:01 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the halfghost fetus
(11:47:06 PM) Me: OOOOH
(11:47:10 PM) Me: I bet the fetus has magic powers
(11:47:31 PM) Me: if ghost kurt cobain was your dad you should be able to walk thru walls or rock out really hard or something
(11:47:54 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: or not vomit when fucking courtney love
(11:48:15 PM) Me: hahah
(11:48:22 PM) Me: that is some mad skills right there
(11:48:30 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: no joke
(11:48:32 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: super human