Sunday, September 16, 2007

damn good times

I saw They Might be Giants last night! It was rockin!

I got to go with Opt and Elaine (Elaine because GDN cancelled, and while I was sad that there was no GDN, it was really good to see Elaine again).

The Giants, as one might imagine, were awesome. They talked to Buddy Epstein from beyond the grave (who sounded suspiciously like John Flansburgh, but they assured us that death changes your voice a lot). Buddy was unhappy about a smell. He was also beaten by Triangle Man.

They played a lot of good stuff, but I was ecstatic when they played Dr. Worm during one of their Encores. I thought I was going to go home sans Dr. Worm, but then, at the last minute, Dr. Worm! They also played the Mesopotamians pretty late, but they came through for me. I kinda had a feeling they'd play that one eventually though, because Linnell tried to play it when they were supposed to be playing "Memo to Human Resources." When they DID get to the Mesopotamians, he and Flans let us know that Linnell had been poised to play this song since that moment.

It was a good set, they played a lot of their old stuff, and most of the new album. I could've done with some Wicked Little Critta or Stalk of Wheat, but the classics (Istanbul, Particle Man, Ana Ng, Birdhouse, Snail Shell) hit the spot, and they hit my favs off the new album (Withered Hope, With the Dark, Shadow Govt, Cap'm, Take Out the Trash). And did a weird cover of that "Maybe I know that he's been a'cheatin' song that I quite enjoyed. Oh, and Damn Good Times rocked out too. It WAS damn good times.