Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Reason #67889808 I'm glad I'm moving:

Model train guy. He caught me taking out my trash earlier today. I had a second bag, and saved it until 10 pm when it was raining outside to take out.

You know, even a month ago, the first time this condo business came up, I wasn't ready to move. But now, I'm seeing more and more of the flaws of this place. It kind of reminds me of Borders.... I still love it, but I'm noticing more and more of the unpleasant things beneath the surface.

In other news: I talked to an ergonomic guy today. I don't really think what he told me is going to help my carpal tunnel, and the posture I was told to use actually seems to make my arms hurt, my neck hurt, and not help the carpal tunnel. I'm getting more and more annoyed trying to stay off the computer at home. Which usually leads to me getting on anyway and being sorry afterwards.