Thursday, July 26, 2007

you'll show them your progress

I think I'm going to start putting a fraction displaying my progress on the music thing near the bottom of every post. The first number, of course, will be the number of songs I've listened to. The second number will be "everything" but it will change as well, because every time I refuse to listen to a song (be it Rush, a song I know by heart, or a WMA file that fucks up winamp) I'm going to take it out of the total.

Highlights so far: Buy American - Refreshments, Arrogant Worms (dunno the track title), Down - Stroke 9, Smells Like Teen Spirit - They Might Be Giants,

Lowlights so far: Bridget the Midget (the Queen of the Blues) - Ray Stevens, Great American Sharpshooter - Less Than Jake, Goodnight Elizabeth - Counting Crows, Panic at the Disco - Nails For Breakfast, Tacks for Snacks.



the becca said...

if you tell me what the Arrogant Worms song was about, I can tell you the track name.

and if it's the one you like with the awesome background singers, it's "Carrot Juice is Murder"

Phoex said...

the one that's like, "you can spend the night in dildo if you have the time"

the becca said...

ah. Surprisingly, the title of that track is "Night in Dildo".

go fig.

they're pretty obvious with their song titles, unlike the Flaming Lips.

"Ok, she's got helicopters. What does that have to do with Pontius Pilate, God, or being Gay?!?! Wayne, you so crazy!"