Monday, July 16, 2007

What would Jesus eat?

I'm kind of torn.

(2:00:35 PM) Me: though I might be moving to a bigger place soon :x
(2:00:41 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: haha nice
(2:00:43 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: where to?
(2:00:56 PM) Me: my dad randomly brought up these condos that are for sale
(2:01:05 PM) Me: and was like, "we would pay for it"
(2:01:12 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch:: whoa
(2:01:16 PM) Me: and on one hand I kind of don't want to do it
(2:01:22 PM) Me: because I would feel like SUCH a mooch
(2:01:26 PM) Me: and I like living here
(2:01:46 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: why would they pay for it?
(2:01:52 PM) Me: but on the other hand I did agree to at least look at them, and if they're really awesome it'll be hard to say no
(2:02:07 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch:: like "we'll buy it and you can pay us rent" kind of thing?
(2:02:12 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch:: or just "we'll buy it for you"
(2:02:27 PM) Me: I don't know. They're weird, man. This actually came up when I first moved out, cause my mom thought this place was such a hole and wanted to do anything to keep me from living here, but it turned out to be too expensive
(2:02:32 PM) Me: so I dunno why they would do it now
(2:02:38 PM) Me: we'll buy it for you
(2:03:17 PM) Me: also, I don't know if I want a condo. I couldn't move very easily if I decided to finally get out of this town.
(2:03:27 PM) Me: and I'd have to leave my couch behind :/
(2:03:36 PM) Me: but apparently some person my sister knows is selling condos
(2:03:42 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: intersting
(2:03:48 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: well it would be a nice investment for them even if you left
(2:03:54 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: they could rent it out to people like my parents do with this house
(2:04:00 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: makes some extra cash on the side
(2:04:09 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: there's always people looking to rent condos
(2:04:15 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: especially nice ones if the rent is right
(2:06:17 PM) Me: I guess
(2:06:32 PM) Me: we haven't really discussed it too mucgh
(2:07:09 PM) Me: my dad was just like, "if we paid for a condo and the operating costs weren't more than what you pay now, would you do it?"
(2:07:17 PM) Me: and I was like, "well I guess I'd look."
(2:07:49 PM) Me: I don't know how nice/in demand the one here is. I mean, it's bloomington normal, we're not exactly a vacation destination
(2:08:04 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: hmm well what would be more really? I bet central AC would be way more efficient than that piece of crap you have now
(2:08:11 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: and you don't really use much else other than your computer
(2:08:20 PM) Me: well my fridge
(2:08:23 PM) Me: and TV
(2:08:25 PM) Me: and fans
(2:08:36 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: right, but those aren't really high-power equipment
(2:08:40 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: the fridge maybe
(2:08:47 PM) Me: but I think he meant under the $300 I pay now for rent
(2:08:53 PM) Me: true
(2:08:55 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: that's another consideration though.. what appliances would you have to purchase?
(2:09:05 PM) Me: true, I don't even know
(2:09:14 PM) Me: it'd be nice to have a dishwasher and a washer/dryer
(2:09:23 PM) Ryanthor Murdoch: yeah having those is really nice


thevitaminkid said...

I don't quite understand the appeal of condos. You own the condo, but you have to pay for upkeep on the property, like rent. Plus the condo organization has rules, don't they -- what you can or can't do with your own condo?

I own my house. It may not be very pretty, but taxes are lower and we can mow our own grass and shovel our own snow.

Still, if I were in your shoes I would not refuse subsidized housing. I just don't understand the condo craze. They build them in rows that look like a nicer version of those tenement rows you see in old Britain. Every house the same, right on down the street. No individuality. I like being able to give directions and say, "We're the only house on the west side of the street with a hedge."

Terrace said...

I wouldn't do it without a clear set of rules with the parents... I mean, it's a very thinly vieled attempt by your mom to get back some of the control she lost over you when you moved into your little apartment. Or at least, that's how I see it...