Wednesday, June 27, 2007

a little punk

I'm so tiiiiired. I guess it didn't help that I had a horriffic time trying to sleep last night. But that + chasing around the phew a couple hours = ready to pass out (though, just watch, I will totally still have trouble falling asleep).

Seriously, I don't know what I'm going to do when PH is old enough that they can double team me. Speaking of which, even though I'm not a big fan of babies, PH is cool. I got a chance to hold him for the first time today, and he is much more mellow than the Phew was at that age. AKA, he let me hold him without crying (I don't think in the entire time the Phew was a baby I ever managed to hold him more than five minutes without him crying). He actually let me put him to sleep, which I never had managed with the Phew either. He seems to like my renditions of Wolf Parade songs. So, of course, that makes him awesome (for a baby).

Now I'm going to pass out.