Wednesday, May 16, 2007

the man who never returned

Ryan: It sounds like you work in some top secret government facility
Ryan: with crazy hallway mazes and security cards
Me: haha jesus I feel like it sometimes
Me: I spent another 10 minutes wandering around trying to find the right room on the way in today
Ryan: haha
Me: and every time I go through that revolving door I expect it to stop me and trap me
Ryan: maybe it will help your sense of direction
Ryan: haha
Me: haha or completely kill it so badly that I'm left wandering the cubes of the office forever
Me: like that one Kingston Trio song about the man who gets stuck on the train forever cause he doesn't have the money to get off
Me: and his stupid wife brings him sandwiches every day instead of a nickel
Ryan: haha
Ryan: only your stupid wife will bring you tuna helper
Me: you're a great friend
Ryan: Haha
Ryan: I try
Me: Dang, I gotta find a lesbian who makes tuna helper now
Ryan: haha you totally should