Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Ryan: but before that
Ryan: one of the most rockign songs of all time
Me: Wolf Parade?
Ryan: hahah
Ryan: Queensryche eats wolf parade for BREAKFAST
Ryan: and then craps them out around lunch time, and eats them again for DINNER
Me: HAHA, Queensryche eats its own poop!
Ryan: it rocks THAT hard
Me: that's unsanitary
Me: I bet Queensryche has lots of diseases
Ryan: lack of hygene is directly proportional to amount of ROCK


the becca said...


it would just figure that Ryan would like Queensryche.

you know, BDN likes Queensryche, and we know how good HIS taste in music is.

Ryan's hair isn't long enough for him to like Queensryche.

and he bathes too frequently.

Phoex said...

haha before that he was playing Dio for me. DIO.