Thursday, April 19, 2007


I was just looking at my blog and realized it's all AIM convers. And I felt bad because it is probably annoying to other people. But fuck those people, those bits are the only things I really like going back and re reading from this blog!

But anyway I thought I would break it up a little, and let you all know that the surfeit of aim convers is basically because lately, as an unemployed person, all I have to do all day is sit on my ass and talk on aim. So that makes it both more unlikely I will have something interesting to post, and more likely that I will have an amusing aim conversation. I think we should call it Phoexx0r's law.

Oh I did do some pee related things today, if that's what you sickos get your jollies from reading about. I took my urine test for the new job. Also, I saw my little nephew pee on the potty. For whatever reason his mom (my sister) had us crowd into the bathroom and watch tonight. I felt priveleged to be treated to this experience that so few people who aren't parents or child molesters get to have. Also it will come in handy to mention in the years to come if I want to traumatize the hell out of him. True story.