Tuesday, April 17, 2007


BDN, on jobs:

Me: if that's what you want I hope you get it
BDN: yeah, this is something I want, it's like a great position, and I get to be around awesome music all day
Me: yaaay!
Me: Though just to warn you, going into radio because you love music is like becoming an astronaut cause you like tang
BDN: exactly, isn't that awesome
BDN: see I'm the kind of person who would so do that if tang was not commerially available
Me: hahaha

Sista, on Paula Deen:

Mer: hmm someone just told me I look like claire danes
Sista: where did they see ya
Me: she saw me like a year ago when I was out there, told me just now
Sista: that is weird
Sista: have you seen romeo and juliet with claire danes she cries and looks like a freak
Me: haha thanks
Me: I don't think she meant that as an insult :P
Me: haha since I was curious after that I put my picture on one of those "what celebrities do you resemble" things
Me: and I got Elizabeth Taylor
Me: also Keira Knightly and Paula Deen
Me: none of these people look similar to each other much less me!
Me: haha thanks
Me: I'm assuming your love of her will rub off on me slightly
Me: since now a website says I look like her
Sista: i can see you being an older smaller paula deen
Sista: that is crazy
Me: haha....... thanks


the becca said...

BDN's going into radio?

Holy shit (see above comment)

and what happened to Farm'n'fleet?