Monday, April 09, 2007

have you got nothing to say?

Okay, this should probably not irritate me as much as it does, but I have to say it is UNCOOL that my mom is making a mix CD for the 'Phew with about half of the same songs I put on my mix for the 'Phew.

Which, I mean, I can see why she would pick those songs. I picked songs I liked when I was little, she picked songs she remembers her kids liking when they were little. And hell, these songs are people she likes anyway kid song or no (Anne Murray, Peter Paul & Mary). And she does have a ton of Disney songs on CD.

It just bugs me though. I'm the music person in the family. I'm the one who makes unappreciated mixes that no one listens to. I already worry that they don't even bother playing it for the Phew (I know they don't listen to the ones I made for them) they'll be doubly so if they have yet another mix CD floating around. Or multiple ones, knowing how my mom likes to overdo things. And then if the kid actually likes that one, then mine is even more ignored. And of course he doesn't like mine, the kid will dance excitedly to any music (including the ice cream truck music) for about 30 seconds and then lose interest. No matter what it is. But I had hope that maybe in the future.....

Plus, I had kind of wanted to influence the music he listens to. I'm never going to have my own kid, I'd like to give my 'Phew's something of me to pass on, as dumb as that probably is. They're going to like what they like no matter what my parents their parents or I play for them. This day and age, they'll probably love fuckin' rap. And ALL kids love shitty music when they're little, that's how Kidz Bop gets rich. But anyway, I thought I could at least kind of try to steer. Give them something I love that they will love and remember me by. And kids music probably doesn't matter that much, like I said my mom and I thought pretty similarly on that (though mine is half stuff I liked when I was little, half stuff I like now that I guessed a kid might be into, which probably makes it bomb even more).

And really, I hate to be a snob, but my sister has awful musical taste. Mostly because she doesn't love music. Like she'll listen to the radio and occaisionally buy something she hears because it's alright, but she doesn't love it. My brother in law is better, I think he actually does enjoy music more than she does. But his tastes are kind of.... well, goofy. Let's just say, a grown man who listens to Gwen Stefani is a little off. My mom would be good for the oldies, she did listen to a lot of great things (Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, etc) but now she only listens to crap like Barry Manilow. So of these choices, I am clearly who we want these impressionable young children to lean towards in music guidance, right?

So anyway I'm annoyed. For reals.

In Easter news, my Easter brunch waffles made me nauseous but then I recovered, gave the Phew a pez dispenser he seemed to enjoy, and watched some movies with my dad. Good times.


thevitaminkid said...

Barry Manilow?! Say it ain't so! Nobody should be subjected to that. Must be a masochist.

Some people have no passion for music, something I can't understand. I gave my friend a Coldplay concert vid I taped from PBS, and he loves it. I said, "Your wife should like it too -- it is simple, melodic, joyful and enthusiastic in a way." He said, "No she just doesn't enjoy any kind of music very much. He said he felt like admitting that was like admitting she was colorblind or had some other handicap.

Pity them.

Phoex said...

Yeah it's weird, my dad's a little like that. Like... he can't actually differentiate musical notes from each other or something? It's really weird. The only music he does like is because of the lyrics.