Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bueller? Bueller?


Yet another customer criticized my voice today. I'm apparently too monotone.

Thanks. Thanks a lot.

When did it become acceptable for customers to take the trait about myself I am most sensitive about and unable to change and complain about it? If I were morbidly obese would it be cool for them to come up to me and say, "hey, you're fat!" or if I were a burn survivor, "Hey, you're ugly. It's like half your face melted! Did you know that?"

Do you fuckers realize I went through high school with this voice? You think I wouldn't have changed it back then if I could? You think there wasn't a group of fucking football players who actually used the exact word "monotone" as an unwanted nickname for me?

If I didn't think I would lose my job, I would've said to this man, "You think the fact that you're buying a 50 cent newspaper means you get the right to say something like that to me? Leave. Leave now." But of course, the fact that he's buying a 50 cent newspaper DOES mean he can treat me like shit, like all the other customers that shit all over me and my coworkers every day, somewhat belies the point.

I still hate the lady who said "your voice is very nasal!" more, though.

And the world.


Ashley Amigoni said...

Amy, please do not talk about the Andrew thing, please! Not to anybody. He could really lose his job and I would not be happy about it because I too would quit.

He was joking about the bathroom thing. It was not serious and I wouldn't have let him do that anyways.

So please do not engage anybody about Andrew and I conversations. I trust you with things I told you, it is not up for public conversation.

Terrace said...

Give Amy some credit :-/ I'm pretty sure she only posted about her hatred of rude people...

Anyways, I've heard your voice. It isn't bad, seriously. But when you are talking to annoying people your trying so hard not to blow up at, uh yeah, it's going to become one tone. They are just too stupid to realize that.

Phoex said...

T- Haha, yeah. I rarely am emotive at all with customers anyway anymore. But anyway, what she's referencing isn't this post, I think she just put it up here because it's on top, and it is justified I did kind of open up my big mouth like an idiot earlier this week about something else.

A-Uh... yeah, I did open up my big mouth like an idiot and I will cease to do this in the future.