Saturday, January 06, 2007

and isn't that what life is all about, really?

Me: is there any stolen music you'd like? That's about all that's in my price range, birthdaygift-wise
Nicole: i really like the new decemberists cd
Me: I have the new Decemberists
Me: happy birthday to YOU, friend!
Me: I pass the stealings onto you, the customer
Nicole: hahah

Nicole: i miss it
Nicole: oddly enough
Nicole: i grew to love those teenagers
Me: haha
Me: were you like a mother to them?
Nicole: i was like the older drunk sister
Me: haha
Nicole: that they wanted to be just like
Me: Way to be a role model, nicole
Me: as your elderly cat lady friend who gives you solace and inspiration, I'd like to say I'm very proud of you, the older drunk sister
Nicole: i do try and thank you for that
Me: you're welcome

Also I've drawn something lately, and obtained a cheap photoshop knockoff, made some desktop wallpapers awhile ago, and forgot to mention. Pret-ty snazzy, if I do say so myself.