Sunday, November 26, 2006

beep boop

Work was fairly decent. I got caught up on a lot of stuff.

I had an amusing conversation RE: devil women that I wanted to post because it made me laugh.

Thug: Get out of my head, Devil woman!
Me: What's that from? (it sounded like he was quoting something)
Thug: It comes from me! Actually, one of my funnier break-ups.
Me: Wow. I wish I could have funny breakups. But I can't land a dude to begin with to then break up with funnily. I guess all I have to offer is funny lonliness.

Anyway it made me laugh. But then I was thinking about it afterwards, and I am wondering if I am becoming creepy/pathetic like ponytail geek (was), always finding a way to bring up how lonely and pathetic I am. Seriously, I know my jokes about it are funnier than his, but still it's probably uncomfortable if I'm doing it constantly. Am I doing it constantly?

I really am going to be an old cat lady. Worse, one that has not really gone out there and done anything, just straight from child to old cat lady, no dallying in between.