Saturday, September 16, 2006


In day two of embarassing but hilarious things happenining to me:

Today my mom came in to shop, and my skirt had this hole in the buttock area that was not seemly, so she was going to put a safety pin on it for me, but then I got called to the registers. It was really busy, so it took me awhile to get back, and she got tired of waiting, so she just walked up behind registers like she owned the place and started doing stuff to my butt while I was trying to ring up a customer, and all the real customers thought some random person just walked up behind the registers and started doing things to my butt, which in the end was more embarassing than having a little hole in my skirt. "This is my mom, ladies and gentlemen, give her a round of applause!" Though actually what I think I said was, "Um, this is my mom. So.... it's not some random stranger doing things to my butt." Jersey (who was also there) and I just started laughing like crazy.

Also my mom bought me two hoodies at bass because they had them on sale, she knows I have a weird hoodie fetish, and a possible attempt at getting me to throw away the ratty navy blue one I have. That was pretty sweet.

Also I cooked for the first time in awhile! I have been discouraged by the heat and the fact that my parents bought me a lot of not really cooking intensive food that I have been eating a lot of, but I renew my intention. I think my next try might be this next, though the ingredients look so fattening I feel like I might as well staple them to my ass and be done with it.

Me: So did you read my blog from yesterday?
Ryan: the one about your boss being a tool?
Me: haha, I think every post is like that
Ryan: haha