Wednesday, July 26, 2006

nobody knows you and nobody gives a damn

So.... I don't know if it's my perceptions or what but life has been kind of sucking lately. Like... yesterday I couldn't start my car, and my colitis has been bad etc. etc.

But once in awhile something really nice happens that makes you like the world and people again.

My downstairs neighbor works in a fancy ice cream place and brought by the BEST EVER (I'm not exaggerating) ice cream cake ever to my store. It was rasberry-y and so delicious that I think for a brief moment I saw the baby jesus. That was how good it was. And she basically barely knows me or my crew, just did it to be nice.

Random acts of kindness, people. The only thing that keeps me from climbing up Waterson Tower and picking people off with a sniper rifle.

Oh also I'm happy that the crappy new sup might get disciplined, apparently I'm not the only one he's screwed over. It's bad to gloat at other's misfortune but... *gloats*


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