Monday, December 12, 2011

So, Jeremy loves Christmas music. And I hate 90% of Christmas music. Why?

1) It is repetitive as hell. Most artists can't add anything to Deck the Halls that the 50,000 other musicians who've already done it haven't. Ditto all the other popular carols.

2) I have worked retail. Which means Christmas music constantly piped in to my work environment, repeating it's repetitive stuff, for months on end.

3) I lived with my mom for like, 25 years. Which means Christmas music constantly piped into my living environment, repeating it's repetitive stuff for... about a month every year. Dad made a rule that she couldn't start on it before Thanksgiving.

The music I do like is mostly original songs (like Tom Petty's Christmas All Over Again), less popular/played ones (like I Saw Three Ships) or ones where I do like whatever twist they do on it enough to overlook the fact that I've heard this song 7 million times before (like Barenaked Ladies & Sarah McLachlan's God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman).

So... I made a CD of Amy-Approved Christmas songs for Jeremy to play when I'm in the car so that he can hear Christmas music without me going insane when we're in the car together. It is a variation on "Mannheim Steamroller Can Suck It!" a Christmas mix I made for friends at Borders some years ago.

Anyway.... Jeremy thought "Fuckin' Up My Christmas," by MC Chris was a "very angry song," sung by a woman.

Me: that song's about all the ladies he wants to do
Him: Well I thought it might've been a lesbian
Me: he talks about his wiener a lot for a girl
Him: So do you
Me: touche.......