Wednesday, April 13, 2011

So I gave this blog address to a friend. I remember how nervous I used to be to do that, because I was worried I'd want to talk smack about that friend in the future and be unable to do it. Yeah, I'm a great person.

But I don't blog enough anymore to be laying down the smack and I don't really have any friends who currently need smack so it's okay.

If he reads it, that will bring it up to a grand total of two people who read this (not counting me), I think. I know Jeremy used to read it but now that we live together I think he thinks he knows what's going on with me and doesn't need to read it. Which is probably true, I rarely have an unexpressed thought :/

And then a lot of my other friends gave up reading it when I stopped posting as much. Tina (what did I do to deserve a friend like you, Tina?) seems to be the only one.

I'm not upset or anything. It just sometimes makes me wonder if I'm too vain, all writing about the ins and outs of my life when not too many would care. But I feel bad stopping. So I guess I won't!

In other news: health has gotten a lot better. 2 and a half weeks without missing work now. It's sad that that's a victory, but it is! I'm due to see the doctor tomorrow, I need to ask him about the itchy welts the medication gives me at the injection site. But at least I'm not having as many poo issues.

Also yesterday I tripped on the way to work, the same route I always use. I got a hole in my brand new pants. And if you knew how seldom I buy pants, you would be angry about this too. I scraped that knee, bruised the other, and scraped up my hand too.


Asgrim said...

Yeah I was nervous about giving my blog address out too. And even about posting things to it when I knew no one knew about it, haha.

DrDoom77 said...

Oh, I still read this blog now and then. Maybe not daily, but I like your writing style and sense of humor, so I always come back to see what's up.

So, I guess you're up to 3 readers or so. :P