Friday, January 22, 2010

So there's this band, Say Anything, that I really like. They had a deal a few months ago where if you pay them some money (yeah, I probably spent too much but what the hell) the lead singer would write and perform a song about whatever you want. I'd recently bought a rabbit who foiled my every attempt at... everything.

I got it yesterday... if you want to hear it, download here:

P.S. The crotch thing, out of context, is gross. Basically he will lick whatever is in front of him if you scratch him vigorously. When I decided to show my friends Julie & Lothar this trick, he happened to be on my lap and it looked like he was giving me a BJ. It was hilarious and I mentioned that it the notes, which was probably a mistake. Now if I ever want to play this song for anyone, I have to explain that part :P


Terrace said...

I find it hilarious he seems to be trying to not laugh singing some of that

Phoex said...

He probably is. It's a silly song. But I like it, it's cute and the phrase "me vs you = love" sums up 007 & I's entire relationship.