Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mmmm.... brownies for breakfast!

Though... I wake up late enough I can pretend that it's lunch.

Yesterday started out slow but got good. I cleaned the hell out of my place. It's probably a testament to the squalor I live in that even when I do a big clean like that it still doesn't look that clean. And of course I didn't even bother with my bedroom & and the green room. That would've taken longer than I had. But as it is, I managed to clean up a whole other rabbit's worth of fur.

It sucks that I let things go this long; I really need to learn to pick up after myself. And I wish I had enough energy to clean the stuff up I previously left around. Oh well.

Anyway, the day got better when Jeremy came over. He is the creator of the aforementioned brownies! I made him watch You and Me and Everyone we Know, and he really liked it (as does anyone with a heart). Someday I'm going to talk him into back and forth forever.


Anonymous said...

Random - but thought you'd like to know that Brody is having the best time with the Frog beanbag lately. Throwing it and jumping on it.

Phoex said...

hahah awesome